musings of an isolated wheelie!

Don't forget us!

Today is spinal injury awareness day. I intended to post a blog focusing on my life and spinal cord injury,(sci) and I am still, just perhaps not the post I planned.

As someone with a high level injury - c4/5 incomplete ' have been identified as high risk and had the governments shielding letter a few weeks ago. That advises shielding for minimum period of 12 weeks from the date of the letter, for me until 9th July! Indications from the government have been that the slow lift of lockdown measures does not include us and we are likely to have to shield for some time.

This is very frustrating, and worrying. I know I am struggling with the isolation,apart from currently being ill and struggling with breathing, I miss people.

The news is full of how quickly we can get back to a  'new normal' and see friends and family,go shopping, go back to Church. But, nothing about how to ensure we, as high risk people, can get back to 'normal',to see friends, go out, go back to work, go back to church.

I'm slowly feeling forgotton. I'm used to having to fight for access, for some understanding of how difficult life can be with sci but this is something new. I'm worried, worried about my job, what will happen, about my health, about losing touch with people.

Today my church set out some plans forgetting back to church, getting back to meeting in small groups but nothing to reassure the few who will still have to shield and won't be able to go back. Nothing to say if online streaming will still happen, or how We can be part of the plans. l appreciate that the bigger picture is for the whole church, but Jesus came to everyone, especially the isolated and lost..,

It upset me, and I am struggling to know what to do. I already feel everytime I say 'What about disabled people' or' I can't do that' I put peoples backs up. 

I'll go spend sometime thinking and maybe come back witha more positive post later.

But don't forget us.