Hospital Visit
My GP sent me to A & E to have my breathing checked. It was a different experience.from being met by a nurse in a mask to the journey to the 2nd ED! Because it was respiratory I had to go to the suspected Coronavirus area. That was a very organised area, keeping everyone seperate.
However, getting to the door and hubby, (and carer), not allowed in was hard. Then, with a mask on, trying to explain everything when breathless was also hard. I gave them a copy of the shielding letter, which they wanted to know why I had it! My care plan from SIA .
BP taken with wrong cuff - 143/85, I tried to explain that was too high, could it be taken with the bigger cuff. 112/83, I said that was a bit raised and got 'the look ( which usually means don't be silly) They didn't listen to me say my 'normal is around 103/75
Xray next for Chest. As usual, they were great. Immediate look and change/ adapt no expectation that I would be able to do . What they normally do.
Then to a 'unit', I was only patient. Transfer to a bed, as I am lifting legs on to bed 'Oh bless you' from nurse!
Explain I have sci,and level. Dr comes, I ask if she wants to see my meds list- NO I've looked on computer! no asking about medical conditions. Explain about sci, and brown sequard Syndrome. Blank look!
BP 129/83 I say to nurse its a bit high - 'no that's normal' They come to take blood, nurse listens to me about side to use. Dr comes to do blood gas. try to say last time, I had AD. show care plan again. Blank look. Then I ask to use Right side - no wants to use left! 1 explain it will need holding - no - 2 very difficult attempts no blood.
She leaves! I'm left on my own In a bed where they have put both sides up. I can't reach bed Control or neither do I have call bell.
They came to try blood gas again- success. They dissapear - still no-one explaining what's happening Then another nurse arrives to do Blood sugar - I explain I'm not diabetic. but still its done. ( I take metformin for pcos which I did tell nurse earlier) She leaves ' I hear her say 4.7 so that must be what it was.
Then I'm left. After a while I need the toilet, and I'm very uncomfortable, need to change position. But can't get off bed (sides too hard to move) and no one about. I lean out of bed to try catch eye - nothing. I get upset. normally hubby can get help, get me to toilet, explain needs to staff. I try to shout and a nurse arrives, by now I am panicing - I explain to nurse I need to use toilet and I don't cope well in hospital and I normally have carer / hubby to calm me.and I want to go home. I go to loo - and get gown off and put tshirt, feel less claustrophobic when I get back I'm told I can go home.
I tell hubby to come. discharge letter given and I am allowed to leave, On my own! which is great. I push myself out, into lift, wearing mask, stop at hospital shop - buy chocolate (Well BS was 4.7!) wait outside ( eating chocolate) still wearing mask.
Read discharge letter. Apparently I now have T2 diabetes, so they assumed and put it down without talking. to me. It was very hard - not having a carer with me to advocate for me, help me and explain when I am feeling ill. NHS is great but staff just don't listen to patients when they tell them about thier condition and they expect us all to conform to their normal ranges.
If I was deaf or had learning needs it would be even harder. no idea why my breathing is as it is, I assume it's because I'm not as mobile and my 'ability' has reduced. I'll see how I am on Monday. now to tell work I've andher sicknote, I hope they understand,I so wanted to go back.