musings of an isolated wheelie!

Day 12

Today was a better day. It's amazing what a good nights sleep does.

Morning prayer reading today really provoked a discussion between me and Syd. We both felt that as a church we need to make sure that we are ready to change, and support people when we are allowed out again. I wrote our thoughts down and emailed the leadership at church.

I had a conversation today with Matt about sharing faith, and maybe trying a zoom faith pictures course. Then a zoom chat with Tim to talk about putting or struggling Saints session online for Holy Saturday. It should be good, and after a mad search I found my original noten so tomorrow I'll do some work on it. It's good to be doing something again.

I did a workout today with @adapttoperform, which was good.

Stir fry for tea and watching and singing along to Joseph and his technicolour dreamcoat, which was put on YouTube last night.. I even treated myself to a Gin!

my thoughts following morning Bible reflections.

3rd April 2020

Matthew 9.35-38

our morning reflections led us in a different way. Preaching the good news and healing sick. 

As an evangelist, at the moment I am frustrated. There are Ids of opportunities to go at, serve the community, share God's love, the Gospel. But, as a disabled person, I am classed as vulnerable and have to stay at home. I'm not allowed to go out, and it's frustrating. How can I follow God's call and do what he commands when the government tell me to stay home?

This morning our daily prayer reading was Matthew 9.35-38 and reflecting on it I realised that I do have a challenge, a role. And I'm already doing it!

What are we doing at the moment? We are praying, it's all we can do. Preaching the good news - Yes- we are doing this in a new way, reaching people who we have not before, who don't go to church or who can't go to church.

I can share on social media the different ways church is reaching out to the community. There has been online churches and housegroups prior to this, now there is a huge choice. We don't know the numbers, but people are accessing church in a way they never have. It is a great way of preaching the gospel. BUT this can't Stop when we can meet together again we are going to need to be able to respond on many ways,

• Supporting and talking to those who have been hurt, bereaved suffered during this time

• Answering questions of'Why'

• supporting those who are now exploring faith

• enabling those who have been able to connect with church in a way they couldn't before

• Not going back to how we did it.

So we need to be ready. The second part of reading ' the harvest is plentifiul, workers are few. Ask the lord to send Workers into the field' Do we have those workers? Are we ready?

2 weeks ago I wrote 'are we being called into rest now because God has a plan for us next? We should use this time to rest, build our strength and faith/ trust in God'

I feel God is calling us to be ready, we will have work and fruit to harvest, and now is the time for us to get ready. I can't go at at the moment, I can pray, I can do social media but God is calling me and perhaps others who are at home, to prepare, for what's next. There are going to be many challenges and opportunities and we need to be ready. So, I can use this time to rests to pray, to read, to spend time with God and listen to what he is saying.