musings of an isolated wheelie!

March 29th 2020

Day 8.  Today is Sunday, and it is strange not going out to church.  However it does give us opportunities to worship in different ways.

This morning we 'visited' for thier 9am service, a little late but heard the sermon.

Then at 10-15am we joined in worship at our own church via zoom. Strange way of joining in, but nice to see all our church community.

Then we, as a family recorded a video message for my mum and Grandad, who is 98, to cheer him/them up.

More exercise from @adapttoperform this morning, it was quite hard. We were supposed to use a kettlebell, but I don't have one so used a squash bottle full of water.  Dumbells and kettlebells are out of stock everywhere, so I am improvising.  It's hard to hold them with my weak hands, and I have seen some gloves that can help but they are quite expensive.

I concentrated on my crocheting this afternoon making some headway with my cardigan. I am not a fast crocheter, my hands tire easily and I struggle to hold things, especially in my left hand.

The new 'normal includes listening to the daily news briefing from 10 Downing Street. More worrying news, restrictions could be in place for up to 6 months.  Not necessarily as strict as now, but in some form.

Nice Sunday dinner, followed by video calling my cousin, mum and brother, nice to 'see' them.